

Från DAU-handboken

(7.1) Landscaping, scoping and gap analysis


Ingår i WP: (7.0) European Competence Centres and user support networks

Task leader: KIT

Bidragande organisationer: KIT, UGOT

I Sverige: UGOT

Beskrivning av WP eller task

Period: M1-24
Leverabel slutförd: M12-13

Kartlägger nuvarande CC och europeiska organisationer som fokuserar på OS professionalism/kompetensutveckling, inklusive en gap analys om vad som behövs för OS. Rekommendationer för hur nya CC ska skapas och existerande ska utvecklas mer följer. Samarbete med WP6. Baseline för T7.4.

This task will perform landscaping of existing CCs and organizations in Europe at national, regional, thematic/disciplinary level, focusing on shaping skilled professionals’ OS enabling practice and on providing user support to their national, regional or thematic communities. The landscape will include a gap analysis of existing competences, role profiles and user support activities needed for open and data-intensive science to manage and integrate diverse data flows and Artificial Intelligence solutions for FAIR data management. This activity will be performed in collaboration with WP6. The task will produce a set of recommendations to support the set up of new CCs, and to streamline activities of the existing ones. A CC registry will be built to facilitate mapping and discovery by users and stakeholders. It will provide baseline for T7.4


Länkar och listor

Huvudsida: Skills4EOSC

Lista: Objectives

Lista: Arbetspaket (Work packages, WP)

Lista: Organisationer och stakeholders

Ordlista: Termer, förkortningar och nyckelord