

Från DAU-handboken

(7.0) European Competence Centres and user support networks


WP Leader: GARR

Bidragande organisationer: GARR, KIT, KIT, CNR, INFN, PSNC

I Sverige:

WP objectives

(a) Map the scope and competences of existing national and thematic CCs and user support activities in Europe and perform gap analysis on OS enabling practice to suggest possible improvements, also via exchanges between CCs

(b) Create a coordination structure among CCs (i.e. governing boards and procedures) responsible for harmonising and keeping aligned their co-created products (e.g. curricula and certification frameworks, advanced learning environments, methodology for training of civil servants) .Agree on and deploy a set of shared and compatible IT services to facilitate alignment, sharing and reuse of material, methodologies and best practices across CCs.

(c) Create a European network for user support that relies on the competences of national and thematic CCs and other actors active in relevant Research Infrastructures and e-Infrastructures.

(d) Set out a sustainability strategy for CC coordination, user support network and key outputs.

Beskrivning av WP eller task

WP7 will be responsible for creating a lightweight mechanism to ensure effective coordination between the Skills4EOSC Competence Centres. The network of the Skills4EOSC Competence Centres will be key for long-term sustainability of the project outputs. We will also create a starter kit for Competence Centres and foster development of a pan-European user support network pooling existing competences across different countries and initiatives offering support on sharing, reusing and onboarding resources.

Från Grant agreement (GA):

T7.1 Landscaping: Scoping and gap analysis (M1-24, KIT) This task will perform landscaping of existing CCs and organizations in Europe at national, regional, thematic/disciplinary level, focusing on shaping skilled professionals’ OS enabling practice and on providing user support to their national, regional or thematic communities. The landscape will include a gap analysis of existing competences, role profiles and user support activities needed for open and data-intensive science to manage and integrate diverse data flows and Artificial Intelligence solutions for FAIR data management. This activity will be performed in collaboration with WP6. The task will produce a set of recommendations to support the set up of new CCs, and to streamline activities of the existing ones. A CC registry will be built to facilitate mapping and discovery by users and stakeholders. It will provide baseline for T7.4.

T7.2 Competence Centres Coordination network (M1-36, GARR) The task will design a lightweight mechanism for the coordination of the CCs covered by the project, that can be extended in time to include others. This mechanism is envisaged to continue to operate after the end of the project and will include a body that will define coordination strategy and procedures to keep aligned the key outputs of the project (i.e. curricula, quality assurance and certification frameworks for skills and materials, professional networks, usersupport network and ToT programmes). Based on results of T7.1 the task will advise and support countries and communities in the process of creating CCs.

T7.3 Collaboration, Coordination and Sharing Platform (M4-36, CNR) This task will select a set of agreed and interoperable IT services hosted by the CCs to facilitate the continuous alignment, sharing and reuse of material, methodologies and best practices across CCs. This set will include services like, for ex., .shared workspace, Virtual Labs, Catalogues/Registries/Repositories, Videoconference services facilitating the CCs collaboration, and services for supporting common training activities on specific topics (e.g. DMP, RDM tools, and FAIR certification). The selection of the common services will be driven by the CCs needs and may evolve in the course of the project. The selected services will rely on Open Source software solutions.

T7.4 User support network (M6 -36, INFN) The main goal is to establish a pan-European user support network for researchers and data professionals through helpdesks, provision of specific materials and training activities on the usage of services and resources. User support activities will cover the entire science workflow, ranging from the definition and implementation of algorithms and tools, including those for FAIR data management, to the adoption of high level techniques such as AI, up to the delivery of scientific results. This activity will connect the existing experiences (Research Infrastructures, e-infrastructures, CCs), to share experiences, practices and materials for training and user support. We will ensure the network is built on the existing support channels, e.g. OpenAIRE, EGI, EOSC-Future, and INFRAEOSC-05-2019 projects.

T 7.5 Sustainability of the CC network (M18 - 36, PSNC) This task will define a sustainability strategy for the Coordination network , CC toolset and user support network and set out actions to ensure that key project outputs remain operational and can be further evolved by the partners beyond the project lifetime. The task will work with WP8 to create synergies with stakeholders at the national and international level as well as EOSC Partnership.




När man diskuterade denna WP:n hade man svårt att definera vad en "competence centre" var för något - ett begrepp som vanligtvis används inom EOSC-sammanhang. Till det svarade Federica Tanlongo, "We are not proposing a one size fits all understanding of competence centre.". Så vi får se vad man kommer fram till men det måste finnas en slags generell definition iallafall. Sedan sades det även att "Competence centres will target different stakeholders and provide the training and support they need to embed Open Science practices and principles." Måste därför tydliggöra kopplingen till WP8.

Länkar och listor

Lista: Objectives

Lista: Arbetspaket (Work packages, WP)

Lista: Alla arbetspaket och uppgifter

Lista: Organisationer och stakeholders

Lista: Deliverables/Leveranser

Ordlista: Termer, förkortningar och nyckelord