

Från DAU-handboken

(7.2) Coordination network design


Ingår i WP: (7.0) European Competence Centres and user support networks

Task leader: GARR

Bidragande organisationer: GARR, UGOT

I Sverige: UGOT

Beskrivning av WP eller task

Period: M1-36
Leverabel slutförd: M26-27

Följer T7.1. Utveckla nån slags mekanism för att skapa fler CC och koordinera alla CC.

The task will design a lightweight mechanism for the coordination of the CCs covered by the project, that can be extended in time to include others. This mechanism is envisaged to continue to operate after the end of the project and will include a body that will define coordination strategy and procedures to keep aligned the key outputs of the project (i.e. curricula, quality assurance and certification frameworks for skills and materials, professional networks, user support network and ToT programmes). Based on results of T7.1 the task will advise and support countries and communities in the process of creating CCs.


Länkar och listor

Huvudsida: Skills4EOSC

Lista: Objectives

Lista: Arbetspaket (Work packages, WP)

Lista: Organisationer och stakeholders

Ordlista: Termer, förkortningar och nyckelord