Från DAU-handboken
(8.0) Synergies, stakeholder engagement, advocacy and communications
Ingår i work package (WP): (8.0) Synergies, stakeholder engagement, advocacy and communications
WP Leader: UGOT
Task leader: UGOT
Bidragande organisationer: UGOT, M1-36, TU-Wien, M1-36, GRNET, PSNC, M1-12, GARR
I Sverige: UGOT
Beskrivning av WP eller task
Period: M1-M36
WP8 will support alignment with national and international funders, policy makers and national open science programmes, as well as key stakeholders on the European level (EOSC Association, relevant EU programmes). In addition, WP8 will provide cross-WP support for communication and stakeholder engagement.
(Källa: Draft-PartB_INFRAEOSC01-01_2309_1614.pdf)
D8.1 MoU or Letter of Intent on key cooperation topics, TU-Wien, M6
D8.2 Skills4EOSC Advocacy Kit, UGOT, M36
D8.3 Dissemination, exploitation and communication plan, GARR, M6, M18, M36
Länkar och listor
Lista: Arbetspaket (Work packages, WP)