

Från DAU-handboken

(8.0) Synergies, stakeholder engagement, advocacy and communications


Ingår i work package (WP): (8.0) Synergies, stakeholder engagement, advocacy and communications

WP Leader: UGOT

Task leader: UGOT

Bidragande organisationer: UGOT, TU-Wien, GRNET, PSNC, GARR

I Sverige: UGOT

WP objectives

(a) Engage with key stakeholders, including funding agencies, policy makers and civil servants and implement co�creation and feedback strategy with the OS community

(b) Promote the uptake of Skills4EOSC proposed curricula, methodologies and QA and certification frameworks

(c) Liaise and establish synergies with relevant EOSC-related initiatives and projects

(d) Create synergies with national/regional/EU programmes relevant for OS and human capital to support longer-term sustainability and recognition of career profiles and QA and certification schemes

(e) Liaise with the EOSC governance and contribute to achieve the EOSC Partnership objectives

(f) Communicate the project objectives and disseminate its key outputs.

Beskrivning av WP eller task

Period: M1-36

WP8 will support alignment with national and international funders, policy makers and national open science programmes, as well as key stakeholders on the European level (EOSC Association, relevant EU programmes). In addition, WP8 will provide cross-WP support for communication and stakeholder engagement.

(Källa: Draft-PartB_INFRAEOSC01-01_2309_1614.pdf)

Från Grant agreement (GA):

T8.1 Stakeholder engagement (M1-36, TU-Wien) This task will define and implement a strategy to engage and mobilise key stakeholders to co-create, validate and promote adoption of key project outputs.The engagement strategy will complement a grassroot approach targeting researchers and communities with the outreach to national and international policy makers, funders, and networks of decision makers (e.g. European and global university networks, higher education associations) to promote the Skills4EOSC results top down. University spin-offs, industry partners, technology transfer professionals will also be addressed to create synergies between innovation and OS, and liaisons with the GAIA-X initiative will be established.

T8.2 Synergies with EOSC-relevant projects & initiatives (M1-36, GRNET/TU-Wien) This project will liaise with all relevant EOSC-related projects, with focus on H2020-INFRAEOSC-03-2020 regarding training and engagement; regional HORIZON-INFRA-2021-EOSC-01-05b projects regarding national competence centres and training; projects resulting from calls HORIZON-INFRA-2021-EOSC-01-05 regarding uptake of FAIRness and digital skills; HORIZON-INFRA-2021-EOSC-01-03 regarding Persistent Identifiers, ontologies, and searching, discoverability and interoperability of targeted training/skills material. The project will implement this liaison by setting up and overall framework (e.g. MoU) and a set of focused thematic task forces involving relevant projects, with clear mandate and target outputs and timeline.

T8.3 Enabling synergies with national, regional and EC programmes and funding streams (M1-36, PSNC) The project will engage t with national, regional and EC programmes in the domain of EOSC,FAIR, OS and digital skills. The activity will build upon the partners' direct links with relevant Ministries and funders at national and regional levels, reinforced by project’s actions. Relationships with other parts of Horizon Europe (e.g. Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, activities of EIT KICs) and other EU funding sources (e.g. Digital Europe Programme, Erasmus+, INTERREG), and policies (e.g. European Higher Education Area) will be sought. This activity will include desk research on relevant opportunities in local, national, regional, trans-national and European programmes, creation of a database of relevant programmes and agencies, and direct engagement to align priorities and encourage adoption of project outputs in the relevant programmes.

T8.4 Liaison with the EOSC Partnership (M1-36, GRNET/TU-Wien)This task will set up liaison with the EOSC Partnership and the EOSC Association to support the cooperation activities, program future actions and explore sustainability paths. Most of the project partners are members of EOSC Association and this task will provide direct and concrete input to the key priorities, key Partnership documents such as Strategic Research and Innovation agenda (SRIA) corresponding detailed roadmaps, and contribute to the alignment of the contributions to EOSC at national, regional, institutional and scientific community level – from the point of view of core project objectives.

T8.5 Advocacy kit for reaching out to funders and policy makers (M1-12, UGOT) This task will design and create an advocacy kit to help project partners and their networks promoting OS skills at the level of policy makers and funders, thus ensuring a steady policy support and national/regional funding streams to keep the CCs going.

T8.6 Communications and outreach (M1-36, GARR) This task will deal with general project communications and dissemination of results. It includes the definition of a dissemination plan, and its implementation through

  • T.8.6.1 project website
  • 8.6.2 social communication
  • 8.6.3 events and materials
  • 8.6.4. VRT:s (Virtual Round Tables)


D8.1 MoU or Letter of Intent on key cooperation topics, TU-Wien, M6
D8.2 Skills4EOSC Advocacy Kit, UGOT, M36
D8.3 Dissemination, exploitation and communication plan, GARR, M6, M18, M36


WP8 är egentligen en alldeles för bred WP och kommer vara lite svår att få ihop alla delar. Men det är en mindre WP jämför med t.ex. WP2. Så alla WP:s är inte helt jämlika i storlek.


Länkar och listor

Lista: Objectives

Lista: Arbetspaket (Work packages, WP)

Lista: Alla arbetspaket och uppgifter

Lista: Organisationer och stakeholders

Lista: Deliverables/Leveranser

Ordlista: Termer, förkortningar och nyckelord