

Från DAU-handboken

(7.4) User support network


Ingår i WP: 7.0

WP Leader:

Task leader: INFN

Bidragande organisationer: INFN, UGOT

I Sverige: UGOT

Beskrivning av WP eller task

Period: M6 -36
Leverabel slutförd: n/a

Skapa en pan-europeisk user support network för training och material. Nätverket ska bygga på existerande kanalar, e.g. OpenAIRE, EOSC Future etc.

The main goal is to establish a pan-European user support network for researchers and data professionals through helpdesks, provision of specific materials and training activities on the usage of services and resources. User support activities will cover the entire science workflow, ranging from the definition and implementation of algorithms and tools, including those for FAIR data management, to the adoption of high level techniques such as AI, up to the delivery of scientific results. This activity will connect the existing experiences (Research Infrastructures, e-infrastructures, CCs), to share experiences, practices and materials for training and user support. We will ensure the network is built on the existing support channels, e.g. OpenAIRE, EGI, EOSC-Future, and INFRAEOSC-05-2019 projects.


Länkar och listor

Huvudsida: Skills4EOSC

Lista: Objectives

Lista: Arbetspaket (Work packages, WP)

Lista: Organisationer och stakeholders

Ordlista: Termer, förkortningar och nyckelord